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Clear Cut @ The Park 8/6/2022

Clear Cut. Finally got the see the "Whole Band" performance version. I've waited a long time for this, as I have some various connections with these guys. I even have a couple of the albums they've recorded; "In Time" (2000) and "California" (2003). That also gives you some idea how long they've been at it. It shows.

Professional sound is noticeable. There are bands in out area that have it, which is great- but few have been around and are as polished as Clear Cut. The polish is very natural- not forced or overly "technical"- the songs flow and feel great to the ear. They play as a tight unit.

At the Park last night, they played through a number of hits from the 90's that suit the band well. Jason's guitar wizardry is top notch and he plays such clean and precise notes - the pro sound. Those that know are aware he's somewhat of a guitar "whisperer"- building, repairing and providing parts for not only our area, but around the world. He's on that level.

Mark plays around the area in various configurations, solo, duo, etc. He's sought after and well-liked in our local music scene. Another professional who's vocal chops are well practiced and also very natural. Not to mention his own guitar skills! He's accomplished here as well and his acoustic abilities bring out the vibrant tones of the songs.

For the fullness of sound- Michael on bass and Brian on drums bring the bottom end and make every song sound like the original recording. Running through groups like The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Seven Mary Three, Tom Petty and Chris Isaak provide many opportunities to show off their wide skill set.

There was a decent sized crowd there (not unusual for a Saturday night at The Park) and everyone was singing along, clapping and shouting out their support for the songs they know and enjoy hearing.

I walked out happy. So glad to finally see the band perform- and so glad it was worth the wait. Would like to see the "full band" experience out and about a bit more personally! I enjoyed it!

Clear Cut does have a Facebook page, but it's not their primary avenue for current updates:

A better place to get connected with "Clear Cut Entertainment" is:

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